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Welcome to

Audley Junior School

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Are there other schools there?

Answer: No. Other schools come during the day to do some activities but we are the only school staying over. Other schools go home at 4:30pm.


Question: Can I bring my phone?

Answer: No. There is no internet access and no signal. Phones, iPads, laptops – no electronic devices are allowed.


Question: Can I ring my mum and dad?

Answer: No. There are around 30 children on the trip and there isn’t enough time to ring parents.


Question: How will my family see what I’m doing?

Answer: Miss Crook puts photographs on the school website every evening so that your family can see what you are doing and how much fun you are having.


Question: How long are we staying there?

Answer: 4 nights. Some of our visits are for two nights but this is a long one.

We will leave school on the Monday morning and come back on the Friday afternoon.


Question: Is it an actual waterpark with slides?

Answer: No. It is called Water Park because of the wide range of water sports that they do there.


Question: What do we eat?

Answer: Lots! There are choices for breakfast and dinner and you make your own packed lunch each day (see Important Information page for more details on food).


Question: Where do we sleep?

Answer: In a bed of course! There are bedrooms upstairs that we use while we are there. We organise the bedrooms so that the boys and girls are separate and can use separate bathrooms.


Question: What do we do while we are there?

Answer: Lots! There are lots of different things to do and the staff at Water Park will plan our visit really carefully.


Question: Can everyone go?

Answer: No. There wouldn’t be enough room for everyone to go so we have some guidelines on which children get a chance to go.


Question: Who decides which children get to go?

Answer: Adults in school, parents and, most importantly, you.

Names are pulled out of a box to make it as fair as possible, but … if you want your name in the box …

In order to be considered for any residential trips, pupils must:

• have excellent behaviour, in class and on the playground
• have outstanding manners
• be in Year 6 at the time of the trip
• have a fantastic work ethic and Growth Mindset
• be brave and willing to try new things
• have an attendance of over 95% over the last year in school 

Question: My name was chosen!! Am I guaranteed a place on the trip?

Answer: Not necessarily. If a pupil’s behaviour or attitude becomes an issue or their attendance drops significantly, their place will be given to a child on the reserve list.


