John Logie Baird
John Logie Baird was born 14th August 1888, in Scotland. He was famous for being the first person to demonstrate a working television and was responsible for showing 'live' pictures around the world.
Take a look at the website link below to discover more about his life, invention, explore photos and take part in a quiz and gameshow about the scientist himself.
Ernest Rutherford
Ernest Rutherford was born 30th August 1871 in Nelson, New Zealand. He was a famous chemist who helped to develop nuclear physics. He was awarded with a Nobel Prize in 1908 for his achievements in Chemistry.
Alexander Fleming
Alexander was born on the 6th August 1881. He helped to discover penicillin which was a medical breakthrough and has since led to the development of modern day antibiotics. In 1928 he shared the Nobel Prize with two other people for his work.