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Welcome to

Audley Junior School


Children will be given homework weekly in Year 3.

This will be:


Spellings to learn for a test every 2 weeks.

Maths homework


Times Tables Rock Stars


Please try to read with your child for 10-15 minutes every day. All children will be given a home reading diary to record the books they have read. This book will need signing every time your child reads at home. Children should return their reading diary every time they read, not just when the book is complete.


There will be a Year 3 homework book for maths. More details will be given about this in September. 


Spelling lists will be on the Year 3 section of the website every week. The children will have one week to learn the spellings and then will be tested the following week. 


Your child will be given a log-in for TTRockstars. Children need to complete at least 20 minutes each week.
