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Welcome to

Audley Junior School

P.E and Sport

We offer many extra-curricular sporting activities, such as:

  • Girls' football
  • Boys' football
  • Girls' cricket
  • Boys' cricket
  • Netball
  • Indoor athletics
  • Cross-country
  • Dodgeball
  • Multi-skills
  • Rounders
  • Boxing
  • Tag wrestling



Year 4 PE sessions -  Mondays and Wednesdays.

All children are to attend school wearing the correct PE kit. This includes:

Mondays (indoor PE) – white t-shirt, royal blue hoodie, black shorts and trainers. As the weather can be cold, we suggest the children wear their shorts underneath their black joggers and they can change at the start of the session. The girls may wish to wear a pair of black leggings under their shorts if they prefer. Please note, all children are required to wear a pair of black shorts for indoor PE sessions.

Wednesdays (outdoor PE) – white t-shirt, blue hoodie, trainers and black joggers (not leggings for outdoor PE please).

Year 5 PE sessions

Outdoor Games-Monday.

Indoor PE-Wednesday.


Y6 PE:  Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, Please see below:

Tuesday:  6A/6P Outdoor PE

6H/6G Indoor PE

Thursday:  6H/6G Outdoor PE

6A indoor PE

Friday:  6P Indoor PE


Click on the following link to find out about competitive sport at Audley Junior School:
