School Council
Our School Council
We have had our first School Council meeting and have exciting things in the pipeline!
We will update you shortly!
This year we had our first ever online school council team! It was the biggest team and the most well supported as the children joined us from home and school via Microsoft Teams!
We had half termly well-being checks, talked about what we wanted for our school and had the chance to take suggestions to our teachers and leaders.
We were able to make a difference to lockdown school by sharing fun ideas for year group zoom quiz nights (in year 4) and top tips for staying sane and looking after our mental well-being.
This academic year the School Councillors have helped to arrange many activities around school. For the WWI Centenary, there was a whole school art and remembrance project which was displayed around school.
After Year 5's research on the uses of Palm Oil and the effects on the environment, the decision was made to end Fair Trade Friday (as our choice of chocolates contained irresponsibly sourced Palm Oil) and replace it with Chocolate Friday. Chocolate Friday is due to begin in the Summer Term! The money raised will be donated to Toilet Twinning (where a toilet will be donated by the charity to poverty stricken areas of the world).
The Junior and Infant School Councillors are working together to reduce the amount of litter on the school grounds. They will be hosting a litter picking afternoon on Thursday 9th May.