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Welcome to

Audley Junior School

Visions and Values

Our visions and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.

Our Mission Statement

We at Audley Junior School strive to develop respect for ourselves and others, happiness in ourselves and all those around us, making every tomorrow better than today.

The Aims of the School are:


1.  To provide its pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum based on the National Curriculum and Religious Education, and which includes Personal, Social and Health Education.


2.  To give pupils for whom English is an Additional Language, full access to the curriculum by delivering it in a meaningful and relevant way which recognises and builds on pupil’s religious and cultural experiences and which respects their bilingual skills.


3.  To assess pupils understanding and to reinforce their oral and written language development at every opportunity by using a topic based approach, where appropriate, to deliver the content and skills of the Programmes of Study of Science, History, Geography, Design and Technology and Art.


4. To deliver the curriculum using a variety of teaching methods, which take account of individual needs, yet allow pupils to work collaboratively.


5. To provide materials within the classroom, which are differentiated to allow pupils to work at the appropriate level so that success can be achieved.


6. To encourage pupils to work towards challenging but realistic curricular targets by developing a can do culture thus boosting self-confidence and self-esteem.


7. To develop pupil’s awareness, understanding and respect for other peoples religions, beliefs and cultures whilst valuing their own.


8. To encourage pupils to exercise self-discipline by praising and rewarding good behaviour and discussing inappropriate behaviour with the child when sanctions are necessary.


9. To encourage pupils to accept responsibility, to develop initiative and foster independence


10. To provide a happy, secure environment in which pupils can develop morally and spiritually and in which care is shown for the welfare of all members of the school.


11. To establish close links between home, school and the local community which reflect the school’s respect for the pupil’s religious and cultural background.


Our school motto is;

‘Growing and learning together’
