Governors' Zone
Our team of Governors comprises a group of local people with a range of experience and expertise who are representatives of the local community. They have the range of skills needed to support and challenge the school in to being the best that it can be. The Governors attend training courses on all aspects of the curriculum and school management to ensure they have the necessary knowledge and skills to support the Head in the effective running of the school. Our Governors visit the school to see the children in action.
Principles of Working as a Governor and as a Governing Body at Audley Junior School
These are the principles that the governing body work to uphold in their duty of helping the school.
Holders of public office should take decisions solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family or their friends.
Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligations to outside individuals or organisations that might influence them in the performance of their official duties.
In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices of merit.
Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.
Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands this.
Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interest relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.
Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.
Governors at AJS are appointed and elected to provide:
Strong links between the school and the community it serves;
A wide experience of the outside world;
An independent view;
A visible form of accountability for the Headteacher and staff of the school;
A team focusing on long term development and improvement;
Accountability to the community for the use of resources and the standards of teaching and learning in the school;
Support for Mrs Aldred and her staff.
We feel that Audley Junior School is privileged to be such a caring, well-resourced school with a highly skilled and enthusiastic teaching and support staff that creates a stimulating and exciting learning environment. The atmosphere in the school and the enthusiasm with which the children approach their work, as well as the high quality of work achieved, makes us very proud of our school. We have the greatest confidence in recommending our school to you for your child, and hope that you will come to experience for yourself all the good things we have to offer.
List Of Governors
Headteacher - Mrs. Sue Aldred Staff Governor - Mrs. Pauline Conley - Y3 Teacher Parent Governors - Dr. Nida Nadeem, Mr. Akbar Makda and Mrs. Alena Trapeznikova Co-opted - Mrs. Shanaz Hussain (Chair of Governors), Mr. Dave Balding, Mrs. Joyce Boyes, Mrs. Frances Nutter (Vice-chair), Mrs. Jane Hinchliffe, Mr. Farouk Hussain, Mr. Mohamed Sidat and Mr. Muaaz Nadat. LA Governor - Ms Katie John |
Staff Dismissal & Discipline - Any three Governors not involved in the matter (not Staff or Teaching Governors)
Appeal - Any three Governors not involved in the matter (not Staff or Teaching Governors)
Pupil Discipline - Any three Governors not involved in the matter (not Staff or Teaching Governors)
Premises Finance Curriculum Heads Performance Review Pay (National Pay Policy)
Mr. M Sidat Mrs. Hussain Mrs. Nutter Mrs. Hinchliffe Mr. Balding
Mr. A. Makda Mrs. Boyes Mrs. Conley Mrs. Nutter Mrs. Boyes
Mrs. Nutter Mrs. Trapenikova Mr. Balding Mrs. Hussain Mrs. Nutter
Mr. Balding Mr. Hussain Dr. Nadeem
Mr. Balding Mrs. Boyes
Mrs. Hinchliffe
Mr. Muaaz Nadat
Pay Appeals Grievance/Complaint
Mrs. Boyes Any three Governors not involved in
Mr. Sidat the matter (not Staff or Teaching staff)
Ms. John
Appointment of Staff – Head and Teacher Governor to be invited to attend shortlisting and interviews as appropriate. Mrs. S Aldred
SEN Safeguarding Link (Training) Equality Looked after Children Health and Safety
Mrs. Hussain Ms. John Mrs. Nutter Mrs. Hussain Mrs. Boyes Mr. Sidat
English Maths Online Safety Pupil Premium Governor
Mrs. Boyes Mr. Balding Mr. Nadat Mrs. Nutter
Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Mrs. Nutter Mrs Hinchliffe Mrs. Boyes Mrs. Hussain
Governor Roles and Responsibilities
Name: Mrs. Sue Aldred
- Role: Headteacher
- Responsibilities: Reporting on all aspects of school business
- Date of appointment: 2012
- Term of office expires: N/A
- Appointed by: Governing Body
- Business /pecuniary interests: None
- Material interests arising through school staff: None
- Governance roles in other educational organisations: BCHS
Name: Ms. Katie John
- Role: LA Governor
- Responsibilities: Designated responsibility for Safeguarding
- Date of appointment: November 2013
- Term of office expires: November 2025
- Appointed by: Local Authority
- Business /pecuniary interests: None
- Material interests arising through school staff: None
- Governance roles in other educational organisations: None
Name: Mrs. Shanaz Hussain
- Role: Co-opted Governor/Chair of Governors/Member of Staffing and Finance
- Responsibilities: SEND Governor
- Date of appointment: November 2019
- Term of office expires: November 2023
- Appointed by: Governing Body
- Business /pecuniary interests: None
- Material interests arising through school staff: None
- Governance roles in other educational organisations: BCHS and Crosshill
Name: Mr. Farouk Hussain
- Role: Co-opted Governor, Staffing & Finance Committee
- Responsibilities: Reporting on attendance, behaviour and SEN
- Date of appointment: March 2013
- Term of office expires: March 2025
- Appointed by: Staff
- Business /pecuniary interests: None
- Material interests arising through school staff: None
- Governance roles in other educational organisations: None
Name: Mrs. Pauline Conley
- Role: Staff Governor
- Responsibilities: Curriculum Committee
- Date of appointment: July 2022
- Term of office expires: July 2026
- Appointed by: Staff
- Business /pecuniary interests: None
- Material interests arising through school staff: None
- Governance roles in other educational organisations: None
Name: Mrs. Joyce Boyes
- Role: Co-opted Governor/Chair of Curriculum Committee, Chair of Staffing and Finance
- Responsibilities: looked After Children, pay reviews, English and Y5 Link Governor
- Date of appointment: June 2013
- Term of office expires: June 2025
- Appointed by: Governing Body
- Business /pecuniary interests: None
- Material interests arising through school staff: None
- Governance roles in other educational organisations: None
Name: Mr. Dave Balding
- Role: Co-opted Governor/ Member of Staffing & Finance Committee, Curriculum Committee and Premises Committee
- Responsibilities: Maths Link and pay reviews
- Date of appointment: November 2015
- Term of office expires: November 2027
- Appointed by: Governing Body
- Business /pecuniary interests: None
- Material interests arising through school staff: Spouse - school employee
- Governance roles in other educational organisations: None
Name: Mr. Mohamed Sidat
- Role: Co-opted Governor/Chair of Premises Committee
- Responsibilities: Designated responsibility for PHSE
- Date of appointment: November 2018
- Term of office expires: March 2025
- Appointed by: Governing body
- Business /pecuniary interests: None
- Material interests arising through school staff: Sister works in school Office
- Governance roles in other educational organisations: None
Name: Mrs. Frances Nutter
- Role: Co-opted Governor/Vice-chair/ Member of Curriculum Committee/ Member of Premises Committee
- Responsibilities: Governor for Year 3 /HT Pay Committee and Pupil Premium Governor
- Date of appointment: June 2020
- Term of office expires: June 2024
- Appointed by: Co-opted by the Governing Body
- Business /pecuniary interests: None
- Material interests arising through school staff: None
- Governance roles in other educational organisations: BCHS
Name: Mrs. Jane Hinchliffe
- Role: Co-opted Governor/Member of Curriculum Committee
- Responsibilities: Governor for Year 4 /HT Pay Committee
- Date of appointment: June 2020
- Term of office expires: June 2024
- Appointed by: Co-opted by the Governing Body
- Business /pecuniary interests: None
- Material interests arising through school staff: None
- Governance role in other educational organisations: None
Name: Mr. Akbar Makda
- Role: Parent Governor/member of Premises Committee
- Responsibilities: Premises Committee
- Date of appointment: July 2021
- Term of office expires: July 2025
- Appointed by: Governing Body
- Business /pecuniary interests: None
- Material interests arising through school staff: None
- Governance roles in other educational organisations: None
Name: Dr. Nida Nadeem
- Role: Parent Governor/member of curriculum Committee
- Responsibilities: Curriculum Committee
- Date of appointment: July 2021
- Term of office expires: July 2025
- Appointed by: Governing Body
- Business /pecuniary interests: None
- Material interests arising through school staff: None
- Governance roles in other educational organisations: None
Name: Mrs. Alena Trapeznikova
- Role: Parent Governor/member of Finance and Staffing Committee
- Responsibilities: Finance and Staffing Committee
- Date of appointment: December 2022
- Term of office expires: December 2026
- Appointed by: Governing Body
- Business /pecuniary interests: None
- Material interests arising through school staff: None
- Governance roles in other educational organisations: None
Name: Mr. Muaaz Nadat
- Role: Co-opted Governor/member of Curriculum Committee
- Responsibilities: Curriculum Committee and Online Safety
- Date of appointment: March 2023
- Term of office expires: March 2027
- Appointed by: Governing Body
- Business /pecuniary interests: None
- Material interests arising through school staff: Mother is a TA in Year Five
- Governance roles in other educational organisations: Lammack Primary School
Governor Attendance Audley Junior School 2022-2023
Codes - √ In attendance, AA – Apologies accepted, AWA – Absent without apologies
Full Governors - Termly Meetings
Governor | 29th Nov 2022 | 14th Mar, 2023 | 27th June, 2023 |
Ms. K. John, Chair of Governors | P
| P
| P
Mrs. S. Aldred | P | P | P |
Mr. N. Holden (Observer) | P | P | P |
Mrs. J. Boyes | P | P | P |
Mrs. P Conley | P | P | P |
Mr. F. Hussain | P | P | AA |
Mr. M. Sidat | P | P | P
Mrs. A. Trapenizkova | P | P | P |
Mr. D. Balding | P | AA | P |
Mrs S. Hussain (Vice) | P | P | P |
Mrs. F. Nutter | P | AA | AA |
Mrs. J. Hinchliffe | P | P | P |
Dr. N. Nadeem | P | AA | AA |
Mr. A. Makda | AA | AA | P |
Mr. M. Nadat |
| P | P |
Finance and Staffing Committee
Meeting Dates and Attendance | ||||
Governor | 8th Nov, 2022 | Jan , 2023 (optional) | 8th Mar, 2023 | 20th Jun, 2023 |
Mrs. S. Aldred | P |
| P | P |
Mr. Neil Holden | P |
| P | P |
Mrs. J. Boyes | P |
| P | P |
Ms. Katie John | P |
| AA | AWA |
Mr. F. Hussain | P |
| P | AA |
Mr. D. Balding | P |
| P | P |
Mrs Shanaz Hussain | AA |
| AA | P |
Mrs. A. Trapenikova |
| P | P |
Curriculum Committee
Meeting Dates and Attendance | |||
Governor | 22nd Nov, 2022 Open meeting
| 31st Jan, 2023 | 23rd May, 2023 |
Ms K John, Vice-chair of Governors |
Mrs. S. Aldred | P | P | P |
Mr. Neil Holden (Observer) | P | AA | P |
Mr. A. Makda |
Mrs. J. Boyes | P | P | P |
Mrs. P. Conley | P | P | P |
Mr. F. Hussain |
Dr. N. Nadeem | AA | P | P |
Mrs. A. Trapeznikova | P |
Mrs. S. Hussain | P |
Mrs. F. Nutter | P | P | P |
Mr. D. Balding | P | P | P |
Mr. M. Sidat |
Mrs. J. Hinchliffe | P | P | P |
Mr. M. Nadat |
| AWA |
Premises Committee
Meeting Dates and Attendance | |||
Governor | 6th Oct, 2022 |
| 4th May 2023 |
Mrs. S. Aldred | P |
| P |
Mr. Neil Holden (Observer) | P |
| P |
Mr. A. Makda | P |
| P |
Mrs. F. Nutter | P |
| P |
Mr. M. Sidat | P |
| AA |
Mr. D. Balding | P |
| P |
Governor Attendance Audley Junior School 2023-2024
Codes - √ In attendance, AA – Apologies accepted, AWA – Absent without apologies
Full Governors - Termly Meetings
Governor | 28th Nov 2023 | 12th Mar, 2024 | 27th June, 2024 |
Ms. K. John, Chair of Governors | P
| P
Mrs. S. Aldred | P | P | P |
Mr. N. Holden (Observer) | P | P | P |
Mrs. J. Boyes | P | P | P |
Mrs. P Conley | P | P | P |
Mr. F. Hussain | P | AA | AA |
Mr. M. Sidat | AA | P | P
Mrs. A. Trapenizkova | P | P | P |
Mr. D. Balding | AA | AWA | P |
Mrs S. Hussain (Vice) | P | P | P |
Mrs. F. Nutter | AA | P | P |
Mrs. J. Hinchliffe | P | P | P |
Dr. N. Nadeem | P | P | P |
Mr. A. Makda | P | AA | AA |
Mr. M. Nadat | AA | AWA | P |
Finance and Staffing Committee
Meeting Dates and Attendance | ||||
Governor | 17th Oct, 2023 | Jan , 2024 (optional) | 5th Mar, 2024 | 11th Jun, 2024 |
Mrs. S. Aldred | P |
| P | P |
Mr. Neil Holden | P |
| P | P |
Mrs. J. Boyes | P |
| P | P |
Ms. Katie John | P |
| P | AA |
Mr. F. Hussain | P |
| P | AA |
Mr. D. Balding | P |
| P | P |
Mrs Shanaz Hussain | AA |
| P | P |
Mrs. A. Trapenikova | P |
| P | P |
Curriculum Committee
Meeting Dates and Attendance | |||
Governor | 7th Nov, 2023 Open meeting
| 31st Mar, 2024 | 23rd May, 2023 |
Ms K John, Vice-chair of Governors |
Mrs. S. Aldred | P | P | P |
Mr. Neil Holden (Observer) | P | P | P |
Mr. A. Makda | P |
Mrs. J. Boyes | AA | P | P |
Mrs. P. Conley | P | P | P |
Mr. F. Hussain |
Dr. N. Nadeem | P | P | P |
Mrs. A. Trapeznikova | P |
Mrs. S. Hussain |
Mrs. F. Nutter | P | P | P |
Mr. D. Balding | P | P | P |
Mr. M. Sidat |
Mrs. J. Hinchliffe | P | AA | P |
Mr. M. Nadat | P |
| P |
Premises Committee
Meeting Dates and Attendance | |||
Governor | 5th Oct, 2023 |
| 4th May 2023 |
Mrs. S. Aldred | P |
| P |
Mr. Neil Holden (Observer) | P |
| P |
Mr. A. Makda | AA |
| P |
Mrs. F. Nutter | P |
| AA |
Mr. M. Sidat | AA |
| AA |
Mr. D. Balding | P |
| P |