Year 6
Welcome To Year 6
It is a pleasure to welcome our new Y6 pupils.
Your teachers are:
Mrs Hibbins
Mrs Goddard
Mrs Aspin
Mrs Payne
Y6 PE:
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, Please see below:
Tuesday: 6A/6P Outdoor PE
6H/6G Indoor PE
Thursday: 6H/6G Outdoor PE
6A/6P Indoor PE
Children should come to school in their kit on PE days.
indoor kit can be worn under outdoor kit on Outdoor PE days.
Homework Information 2023-24
Have you learned your multiplication tables?
Spellings are set each Friday and are tested on the following Friday. The spellings can be found on this website.
Spelling sentences are also set on Friday and should be in by Tuesday.
Maths homework will be set weekly. (Due in on Tuesdays)
Some grammar or comprehension homework will be set as required.
Home reading is very important. Please make sure you read regularly. We will also be asking children to complete tasks on Read Theory, Education City or Times Tables Rock Stars.