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Audley Junior School


Home reading

Home reading is very important. Your child has a Reading Corridor book which they must take home everyday.

Please ensure you sit with your child as much as possible to listen to them read and sign their Home Reading Record!

Children must try and read everyday. Children need to read for 20 minutes or more then parents can ask questions about the book to check for understanding.

Dream Box/Reading Plus

Children have a log in for this which we use three times a week in school. Children can access this at home and can count this as one of their home reading sessions as long as they record it in their home reading record.


Education City

Sometimes homework may be set on Education City but your child can use their log in to access any of the activities they would like to practise further.



Children will also be given fortnightly spellings. Spellings must be learnt thoroughly at home ready for their test.  



Children are also expected to visit their Times Table Rock Stars accounts and take part in the weekly competitions.
